How to talk about divisive issues without being divisive!

We live in a reactionary culture where divisive issues arise, people on either side throw stones, and everyone ends up more entrenched in their opinions than in reaching common ground–or even exhibiting common courtesy.

God’s prescription for a divided culture is His church bringing light instead of heat to polarizing debates. We don’t save souls by being the loudest in the room, but instead by being the most like Christ. 

But how do you embody a Christ-like response when your faith is under attack? By equipping yourself with the knowledge and guidance provided in the Scripture. That’s why we want you to have this exclusive 4-episode video series with Chip Ingram, Responding with Grace on Divisive Issues.

Chip Ingram - Responding with Grace on Divisive Issues Cover Image

He will show you how you can bring grace and truth to the most controversial issues of our day. Covering topics such as right and wrong, absolute truth, gender identity and homosexuality, these videos are a must-have for believers looking to bring God’s truth to conversations with friends and family. 

After watching these short videos, you will be able to:

  • Speak the truth with bold grace 
  • Bring the unquenchable light of Jesus to a dark world
  • Withstand our culture’s attacks on your faith 

Get all four videos in your inbox right now. Just use the short, secure form below to let us know where to send them

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