Learn how your family can share your pro-life views and uplift hurting people with this free video series

Like many Christian moms and dads, you want to express your pro-life views in ways that help vulnerable people. But it feels like social media debates on this topic can be never-ending. So how do you even begin the conversation with your kids or attempt to share the truth with others? 

We know it can be difficult to help your family understand the truth about the science of human life and articulate why you believe that ALL life has value.

That’s why we’ve created this free series of six short videos—“Inspiration for Pro-Life Families”—to give you an easy starting point for passing on your pro-life values to your kids and to those around you.

This series offers:

  • Easy-to-understand language about the science of human life
  • Guidance and tangible steps to take to get involved in pro-life efforts 
  • Age-appropriate discussion questions to ask your kids, friends, or family about their beliefs
  • Ideas for how your church can offer spiritual and tangible support for pregnancy medical clinics and women and men facing unexpected pregnancies
  • Simple every-day ways you can help save the life of preborn babies
  • Support from Scripture verses and specific prayers you can use

Here is an outline of the episodes you’ll receive access to when you get your FREE video series:

Video 1: The Truth About Life
Video 2: Heroes Providing Hope
Video 3: The Power of a Picture
Video 4: Sometimes the Choice is Hard
Video 5: It’s Going to be Amazing!
Video 6: Families Helping Families

We’re excited to share this resource with you to equip your family to share your pro-life views with grace and compassion in your community.

Let us know where to send your free 6-part video series “Inspiration for Pro-Life Families” now:

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Please use between 1-20 characters. Please use only alphabet, apostrophe, hyphen, space and period.